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Our Services

StillPoint inspires a place for healing, growth, and purpose 

Chiropractic Care


As adults, we have had decades of stress, interference in our nervous systems, and traumas, or maybe we currently have health goals and dis-ease we want to evolve and heal. A chiropractic adjustment can help you begin to reset and restore your equilibrium and shift towards healing, recovery, growth, and personal evolution.


However, you don’t have to be symptomatic or in pain to start feeling better. Chiropractic is more about evolving into your full biological, emotional, and creative potential VS reversing pain. Pain starts to dissipate when your nervous system is regulated by being adjusted.


Regular ongoing chiropractic care can help you maintain a higher level of health and well-being by clearing subluxation patterns before they become problematic. Dr. Toni invites patients to come in weekly to keep upgrading their being and biology. 

Expectant Mothers


Prenatal chiropractic can be very beneficial to bring ease and comfort during your gestation and hormonal shifts. Regular adjustments help your baby grow and develop because the mother and baby gain optimal biomechanical integrity and being adjusted regularly avoids neurological interference. This means the mom's body is communicating well with the growing baby, and both in full support of an easeful and healthy pregnancy.


Regular chiropractic will help your baby grow in a nourishing and healthy environment and be born with more nervous system integrity to grow into a healthy child.




Infants & Kids

Why would a newborn baby or young child need chiropractic care?”


Infants have very flexible and sensitive spines until age 2. Children brains grow very rapidly as well. Their nervous system can be interfered with by preconception, in the womb, and birth issues. They can be born with breastfeeding issues, digestive issues, and have falls.  


Adjusting babies and small children is different from adjusting adults. Most of it is done using very light touch contacts and craniosacral unwinding rather than the more structural work associated with adult care. Babies’ systems are very responsive and requires very little pressure.


Dr. Toni takes great care of infants and children. We believe they are the future of humanity. If they grow up with less interference they are able to thrive more in their life and create a better world.

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